Ox Close Wood Hedge Creation Project

There is a need to re-establish the boundary of Ox Close Wood to protect the wood from spray drift and the intensive agriculture that surrounds the wood.

The Trust is applying for a landfill grant from Green Leeds to replace the post and rail boundary fence with a native mixed species hedge.

We need your help.

Southern boundary of Ox Close Wood along which a new hedge is to be created.

Southern boundary of Ox Close Wood along which a new hedge is to be created.

We need to prepare the site for planting in the winter months. All ages would be most welcome to join us. No experience required; just a love of the countryside and good company. Please contact us to join our weekly work party.

Life on the Verge

On the 18th May the Trust held a short, informative roadside verge walk to look at the variety of wild flowers and to see which verges might benefit from better management. Since then we have consulted with the Leeds City Council in order to re-schedule the cutting regime of the better verges.

.... a close inspection of a roadside verge !

…. a close inspection of a roadside verge !

Then, on the 8th June members of the Trust visited Lincolnshire to witness the results of good roadside verge management. The day started with an enthralling talk by Mark Scofield, the leader of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s “Life on the Verge” Project. Mark recounted the origin of the project, it’s problems and it’s successes. After lunch we had a tour around the best examples of well managed verges which showed a tremendous variety of wild flowers and how this management obviates the need for verges to be cut more than once or twice a year.

Trust members examining well managed wild flower verges in Lincolnshire.

Trust members examining well managed wild flower verges in Lincolnshire.