Become a Member

By joining us you can support local wildlife

What are the benefits of membership?

  • The satisfaction of helping to conserve our countryside for future generations
  • Twice yearly Newsletter
  • Map of local walks
  • Practical workshops for children
  • Instructive guided walks for all ages

Membership Prices

  • Family membership for £35
  • Single membership for £20
  • Students and Concessionary membership 65+ years £15
  • Wildlife Guardian for £125


Please download and complete a Gift Aid form if you are a uk tax payer.

This will increase the value of all donations received by 25p for each £1.00 Once completed, please email the form to

Ways to Pay


Choose your membership and join online

Standing Order

A regular annual standing order (our preferred method). Please email us a completed Membership Form to us at, we will reply with further details.


Cheques payable to East Keswick Wildlife Trust and sent to the following address along with the completed Membership Form:

East Keswick Wildlife Trust
c/o Mrs. T. Meadley
14, Allerton Drive
East Keswick
LS17 9HE

Need more Details?

If you cannot find the information you are looking for or have a question about East Keswick Trust membership, please contact us at or check the Contact page for more details.