Photos of recent events and projects. Click on an image to enlarge it.

The Scouts had an evening pulling Balsam in Ox Close Wood

The Scouts produced enormous piles of pulled Balsam

Doncaster Naturalists visited East Keswick to see our Thistle Brromrape and Herb Paris.

The Trust liaises with Natural England: Michelle Dickinson from Natural England inspected the status of Keswick Fitts SSSI

The Trust’s walk to Liz Parr’s Wood near Plumpton was enjoyed by all.

The Summer Bird Survey saw a total of 44 bird species on the day. These included wonderful views of Yellow Hammers and Grey Wagtails.

Yellow Hammer along Moor Lane, photographed by Howard.

Another of the day’s sidelines was this magnificent Emporer Dragonfly

Cutting and raking thick vegetation on the track into the Ellikers.

Controlling Dogs Mercury year 1 after opening the rides in Elliker Wood. We hope cutting and raking will weaken it to prevent it shading out native plants.

Fencing in progress in the Marsh so that livestock can be used later in the year to graze overwhelming vegetation.