A lot has been happening over the last two weeks;
More work has been done to Ellikers; including boundary fencing and inserting entrance gateposts.

Ben, from Leeds Grammar School volunteering as part of the school’s curriculum, helping to install entrance gateposts in the Ellikers.
7th March. Members of the Friday work group attended a First Aid Course given by the St. John’s Ambulance.
2nd March. Winter Work Party and Children’s Event. All the children helped to make a “Bug Hotel” for insects to find shelter, especially for hibernation. Constructed around a frame of old pallets, it used recycled materials, such as old bricks and tiles, and vegetable matter such as rotting wood and hollow plant stems. Everyone can help by setting aside a corner of the garden so that a small pile of such materials can be left for wildlife. About 50 people attended the event organised for the Pre School Toddler Group and families.